A COVID-19 patient is admitted at the INERAM (National Institute of Respiratory and Environmental Diseases) contingency hospital in Asuncion on March 11, 2021.

Paraguay: Urgent Action on the threat to freedom of association

On Tuesday, 30 July, Amnesty International issued an urgent global action against the passage of a bill establishing the “control, transparency and accountability of non-profit organizations”. The action calls on the president of the Paraguayan Chamber of Deputies, Raúl Luis Latorre, as well as the relevant legislative commissions, to withdraw the bill.

Although the Senate removed some of the provisions initially proposed, Amnesty International believes that the bill continues to represent a serious threat to defence of human rights and civic space in Paraguay.

“At stake is not only the right of organizations to exist and operate independently, but also the ability of people to participate in public affairs in Paraguay. This bill could lead to the silencing of civil society and the dismantling of an environment that enables society to speak out and organize in the face of arbitrary acts or omissions by the authorities” – Ana Piquer, Americas director at Amnesty International.

At stake is not only the right of organizations to exist and operate independently, but also the ability of people to participate in public affairs in Paraguay. This bill could lead to the silencing of civil society and the dismantling of an environment that enables society to speak out and organize in the face of arbitrary acts or omissions by the authorities.

Ana Piquer, Americas director at Amnesty International.

Amnesty International’s call comes in addition to a statement issued by the United Nations Special Rapporteurs on freedom of association and peaceful assembly, on freedom of expression and on the situation of human rights defenders, in which they reminded the state of its obligation to promote, protect and guarantee the human rights recognized in international law.

The bill was approved by the Paraguayan Senate on 8 July, and it is now being reviewed by the Chamber of Deputies. Amnesty International participated in the hearings scheduled by the lower house on 30 July 2024 at 10:00 Asunción time, where it reiterated its call for the bill to be withdrawn in its entirety. 

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